Unblocking Potential - Part 1. Aversion to risk
Over the next few posts I am going to be looking at ways
that a business could be blocking its own potential and making suggestions for
unblocking the ideas, creativity and innovation that fuels future business
1. Aversion to risk
In an episode of ‘The Big Bang Theory’,
Sheldon learns to swim by studying techniques on the Internet. He does not see the need to test these in
actual water, preferring to claim that the skills he ‘learns’ in his living
room are transferable should he ever need to actually swim! Those of us who can swim know this to be
nonsense, and that learning to swim involves learning by doing. In the process of learning it is likely that
we will swallow some water, flail about helplessly and maybe shed a few tears
before we finally work up the courage to take the risk and trust ourselves not
to drown. In business we have to go through similar steps to success. Granted, knowing your market and analyzing
trends and competitor activity are an essential part of deciding whether or not
to take a risk, just as studying swimming techniques will help us to swim more
efficiently once we have taken the plunge, but we do not learn the outcome
without taking the risk. Not all risks
are equal – some learn to swim much more adeptly and quickly than others. In business taking a risk is not a guarantee
of success and there are no guarantees that others who take the same risk will
not out-perform you. But the point is
that unless the business takes the risk, the outcome will remain unknown and
the opportunity missed.
The point here is not to take risks every
time an opportunity arises. That’s a
fast route to bankruptcy. However, the
business that shies away from every opportunity because of a risk-averse
attitude is doomed to mediocrity if not failure. Too many businesses take such a conservative
approach attempting to analyze every risk and its possible mitigation to within
an inch of its life that by the time they are ready to take a risk the
opportunity has passed or been snapped up by a competitor.
There is an element of gambling involved in
risk taking. The business must spell out
how much it is willing to stake and is prepared to lose, what the return is
likely to be and what the odds of success are.
And then dive in.
‘Creativity makes a
leap, then looks to see where it is.’
Mason Cooley
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