The Personalisation of Education
I’m acutely aware that I work in an industry filled with creative
people. People who have a talent for
interpreting a syllabus, for understanding teacher and student needs and for
fashioning and developing a product or a service that meets those needs. I’m also aware that this is an industry with
a conscience. That we believe in what we
do and that it makes a difference.
Educational publishing has an opportunity to use its creativity,
experience and social conscience to explore how technology can improve what we
do and how we do it so that modern school needs can be better met.
Here is a phrase that gets bandied about a lot. “School is broken.” But is it?
In 1899,
William T. Harris, the US commissioner of education, celebrated the fact that
US schools had developed the “appearance of a machine,” one that teaches the
student “to behave in an orderly manner, to stay in his own place, and not get
in the way of others.”
In other words
– school was effectively teaching students to conform; to be obedient; to work
silently and alone.
And here’s
why. In 1899, school was about preparing
students to become factory workers for manual industries. Photos of these factories, showing rows of
staff working alone on repetitive tasks still have a look of familiarity today
because they look like a lot of classrooms that you may have seen or
So, the school
system is not broken. It is functioning
perfectly for a world that no longer exists.
I picked up a
quote recently from a teacher’s blog. “I’m
not against technology, but I don’t want to use it in my classroom.” Since the average age of teachers in
Australia is the far side of middle age, this is not an uncommon opinion.
But how
acceptable is this?
How would you
feel if your doctor said to you “I’m not against technology but I don’t want to use it
for your surgery.”
The world has
moved on. And technology has had an impact
on almost every aspect of our lives.
why is it taking so long for technology to have an impact on school? We need to
ask ourselves what skills businesses are looking for from new recruits straight
out of the education system? Our economy
needs young people who are creative, innovative, collaborative, who can problem
solve and who are financially literate.
of this is a criticism of teachers or of schools. Teachers generally do a fantastic job within
the parameters they are given to work in. We all know teachers who are inspirational,
who care deeply about teaching modern life skills and who work in schools that try
desperately to give every child the best possible chance. More often than not these are the teachers
that educational publishers seek out as authors.
too many school leavers fail to find their talent while at school. Fail to find a passion. Fail to find a purpose.
can be found later later – and for some of us it is. But why can’t finding your talent be a fundamental
purpose of school?
When my son was
15 he sat through a double period history lesson at school. He’s not usually particularly outgoing but at
the end of the class he waited until the other students had left the room and
approached the teacher. He asked her why
she had lectured non-stop for the whole 80 minutes. She replied that it was very important that
they covered the material in the curriculum, that this content was critical and
that the students must know this content because it would be tested. My son then proceeded to point out that
modern teenagers have short attention spans.
Why didn’t she show a short video?
Give the students some research to do – anything - just break it up a bit. For the under pressure teacher it was about
getting through – or delivering - a
mountain of content in a short time.
But if all the
students have switched off then no-one is learning. What purpose does this
serve? The act of teaching does not mean learning is happening – just like the act of
dieting does not mean that weight loss is happening! Teachers are not simply a delivery mechanism for the syllabus.
all (I hope) had that one teacher who “saw something in me”. What if all teachers were empowered to look
for the talent within each student? What if the student was able to see
something in herself? What if the focus
was on personalised learning so that
every student discovered their passion
and did the best that they could do?
passion for something, true talent is liberating; it is motivating. Students who leave school having discovered
their talent are more likely to create jobs – perhaps jobs that never
previously existed.
To enable more
school students to find their passion we have to consider limiting standardized
instruction; stop treating every child as if she is the same as the next child;
and personalize education.
And this is
where educational publishers can make a difference.
I believe the future for this industry is to
facilitate the delivery of personalized learning. And technology provides us with the
opportunity to do that.
1. By using
experience and expertise to define ‘pathways’ for learning. If we have depth and breadth of content,
written by experienced teachers – we can design pathways for teachers to help
students navigate their own path through a subject.
2. By reporting
on outcomes in real time. Digital
publishing allows for the collection of data to provide feedback to the teacher
on class performance and also individual performance – so that teachers can
take immediate corrective action.
3. By
diagnosing when and where help is needed – data can be used to diagnose areas
that need attention and automatically generate additional practice or revision.
4. By making
education available anywhere and anytime.
Learning is no longer constrained by the 4 walls of a classroom or the 9
– 3.30 schedule. Let students follow
their curiosity whenever the urge takes them.
5. By providing
multiple entry points, engaging interactivity and diversity of learning
To deliver
personalized learning teachers are going to need resources that engage with 4
basic tenets – 4 values that educational publishers can embed in resources we
PASSION above delivery.
There is some
great publishing in this vein happening already. There are some great teachers who have always
striven to make education personal. But
businesses in our economy need more creative, free-thinking, employees and
publishers have the opportunity to be part of the solution by providing
teachers and schools with modern solutions – solutions that haven’t been
thought of yet.
As we consider
the use of technology to deliver more innovative products and services, let’s
remember that we are only just beginning.
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