The Optimist, the Pessimist and the Physicist
The Optimist says: 'This glass is half
The Pessimist says: 'This glass is half
The Physicist wonders why they are
using the wrong glass.

Both the Optimist and the Pessimist
have assumed that there is not enough water in their glass. The
Physicist wonders why the Optimist and the Pessimist are using the
wrong glass to hold the right amount of water. This is not looking
for a creative solution to the 'problem', but a redefining of the
problem itself. Rather than 'thinking out of the box' the Physicist
has thrown the box away.
Many will have heard the story of the
boy who fills his bucket with stones, but then discovers that there
is still room for pebbles and then still more room for sand and then
water. Recently at a PD session we were told by a consultant that if
the bucket were the employees' total working hours that there was a
limit to what would fit in the bucket. Until one employee pointed
out that the consultant's idea of the bucket was that all employees
work from 9 to 5 with a break for lunch. She redefined the problem
by removing the 9 to 5 restriction – not by requiring more hours
from each employee but by freeing up resources employees need to do
their jobs efficiently. She threw away the bucket.
'Thinking out of the box' first
requires a box (or a bucket). Once we have defined a box for
ourselves we limit our ability to think beyond, not just out
of those limits.
Get rid of the box!
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