Managing Change

‘Change Management’ is generally seen as a process of transition from a current state to a desired new future state.  Change management can be affected for groups from individuals to organisations.  Some even attempt to affect change in a whole industry – the International Teacher Development Institute (, for example, is changing the way English language teachers develop teaching skills by creating a dedicated community that provides support, encouragement and leadership.
Broadly speaking, change can be affected in 2 ways.  It can be forced (F-change) or nurtured (N-change). 

A quick search online throws up three distinct meanings of ‘manage’.  They are:
1. Part of Speech: verb.  Definition: be in charge, control, dominate.
2. Part of Speech: verb.  Definition: survive, get by, cope, endure.
3. Part of Speech: verb.  Definition: achieve, bring about, conclude.

It is how the process is managed that defines how change is affected.  F-change is managed by those seeking to affect change in an organization in the sense defined in 1.  The change is imposed, controlled and dominated by those managing the change.
Under F-change, those most affected, the employees of the organization, have to cope with what is imposed – i.e. they manage change in the sense defined in 2.  They get by, or survive the change imposed.

N-Change is change from within.  It is a process that involves all concerned, that includes the employees as well as the employers and that happens by choice.  In this scenario change is managed in the sense of definition 3 - i.e. N-change is brought about by all involved.

iTDi is ‘for teachers by teachers’.  It is change from within, affected by all those that participate and involve themselves – N-Change.  What is your experience of change management?  Have you experienced F-change or N-change and how successful was it?


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