
Showing posts from June, 2012

Managing Change

‘Change Management’ is generally seen as a process of transition from a current state to a desired new future state.  Change management can be affected for groups from individuals to organisations.  Some even attempt to affect change in a whole industry – the International Teacher Development Institute ( ), for example, is changing the way English language teachers develop teaching skills by creating a dedicated community that provides support, encouragement and leadership. Broadly speaking, change can be affected in 2 ways.  It can be forced (F-change) or nurtured (N-change).  A quick search online throws up three distinct meanings of ‘manage’.  They are: 1. Part of Speech: verb.   Definition: be in charge, control, dominate. 2. Part of Speech: verb.   Definition: survive, get by , cope, endure. 3. Part of Speech: verb.   Definition: achieve, bring about, conclude. ...

The Purpose of Education

At a recent meeting at my daughter’s school involving representatives of the teaching staff, the school’s council and some parents, I was struck by the school’s determination to offer a program that encouraged its pupils to be both creative and remarkable.   This school is one of many who are questioning the role of education and aligning themselves to 21 st century needs.   This is a necessary endeavor and one that all schools should be undertaking and it has led me to question what schooling is actually for, and the needs of society schools should be addressing.   There is, I think, a disjoint between what schools have traditionally offered and the needs of society. Education produces adults who are: Economies need adults who are: obedient compliant homogenized consumers aware independent creative improvisers caring 19 th century industrialization, which led to the creation of universal educat...